Information Technology
Information Technology offers the following services:
- Access to Microsoft 365, which includes Microsoft Office for free for all students!
- Assistance with any student account issues
- Diagnostics and repair of personal computers
Multi-Factor Authenication (MFA)
We have step-by-step instructions here: Add MFA MS Authenticator to your 五分六合彩 Account
All students and employees have access to the Microsoft 365 suite of online and downloadable applications. Services included are:
- - 五分六合彩's Email Service Provider.
- - 五分六合彩's Learning Management System. This is used for all online classes, and most on-campus classes
- Bookstore - The 五分六合彩 bookstore is your one stop shop for all your book needs
- - 五分六合彩 primarily uses Zoom for class videoconferencing purposes
- 鈥 Microsoft Word is a widely used commercial graphical word processing program.
- 鈥 Microsoft Excel is a powerful spreadsheet program used for data analysis and documentation.
- 鈥 Microsoft PowerPoint presentation software that enables users to create slideshow presentations.
- 鈥 Microsoft OneDrive is a cloud-based service that connects you to all of your files, and syncs them across multiple devices.
- 鈥 Microsoft OneNote is a digital application designed for note-taking and information storage.
- 鈥 Microsoft Teams service enables instant-messaging in a chat-based collaboration platform, including video calling and file sharing.
Office Login Instructions
Student Microsoft 365 accounts are automatically created shortly after acceptance to 五分六合彩. The login steps will also be very similar. Use the following steps to access Microsoft 365:
- Go to
- Sign in using your 五分六合彩 Email
- Your 五分六合彩 Email address should be as follows: The first initial of your first name, your last name, and the last 4 digits of your Student ID number followed by
- Sign in using your default password (this should be changed later)
- Your default password should be bmcc followed by your student ID number with an exclamation
mark at the end.
Example Student
First Name: John
Last Name: Smith
Student ID: 1234567
Example 五分六合彩 Email Account Info:
Email address: [email protected]
Password: bmcc1234567!
- Your default password should be bmcc followed by your student ID number with an exclamation
mark at the end.
Once you鈥檝e logged into Microsoft 365, you will now have access to all of the applications listed above, and more. Unlike GSuite, you are not automatically prompted to change your password, however, it is still a good idea to do so. This process is just as straight forward. The steps to do so as are follows:
- Go to
- If you鈥檝e followed the steps above, you will already be signed in. If not, follow the steps above.
- Click on the circle with your initials in them in the upper-most right corner of the
- Example: If your name were John Smith, the icon would be the letters JS encased within a circle. Image instructions are available below.
- Once clicked on the circle, click on the first link visible directly below your email titled 鈥淰iew Account鈥.
- Now that you are viewing your account, you should see a large 鈥淧assword鈥 section with an icon of a key. Right below the key, click the 鈥淐hange Password鈥 link.
- Once at the change password webpage, you鈥檒l notice three prompts. The first is your old-password. Type in the password that you used to log in, which was generated for you. In the second and third fields, type in your brand-new password. You are asked to type it in twice to ensure you don鈥檛 make any spelling errors. Be sure to choose a new password that is strong and one which you will remember. There is information online about what makes a good password, as well as free password generators.
Single Sign-On (SSO) Quick Start Instructions
- Go to
- Enter your student email then password.
- You may need to set up multifactor authentication. 五分六合彩 does not require students to download the Authenticator app at this time. You can click the hyperlink "I want to use a different method" then enter a phone number or external email as prompted.
Once you are logged in (you should be able to see your email inbox at this point) navigate to and click the "五分六合彩 Email Account" button at the top of the page, as shown below:
Then search for "EmpowerWeb" (shown below)
Click on either the icon or text for EmpowerWeb.
Need some IT Assistance?
Hours: Monday through Friday 08:00 to 16:30 excluding holidays (see the Academic Calendar)
You can click on the "" button at the top of the page to fill out a support ticket, and the first available IT staff member will reach out to you. If the issue is about your 五分六合彩 Email Account please include your first and last name, an external email/phone where we can contact you, and your full 7-digit student ID number you have on file with us through student records (EmpowerWeb), and we will be happy to assist you; we may need to ask some verification questions before making any changes to your account. You may also call 906-248-3354 and ask for Information Technology.